Saturday, August 26, 2006

Episode Four (Kinda): The Hospital

This is the big HOSPITAL episode in which the baby is, well, born. It's Todd's big chance to apply all his practice being emotionally available as the Real Thing unfolds. (There's really another episode that should come before this one, thus the skip to #4. We'll see if the show's editors can find the time to actually get it up!)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Prequel: Telling Everyone K's Pregnant

A "Newborn Neurotic" aside. Telling Todd's friend (Newborn camera guy, Scott!), his sister, and his parents that Kerry's pregnant.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Episode Two: Toys and Practice

The much anticipated second episode (part 1) about Todd, the neurotic Dad-to-be. Now it's just three days before Todd's wife, Kerry, is to be induced. Todd is worried he won't have what it takes to step up when the time comes, and occupies himself with home improvement and equipment checks until finally staging a practice labor to wake up his atrophied compassion muscle. When this bombs, Kerry is left to console and reassure her freaking-out husband that everything will be alright. Wait, which one's pregnant again?




Monday, February 20, 2006

Episode One: The Long Pauses Before the Storm

Todd's wife is in her 9th month of pregnancy but he's hanging with Scott when the idea for a "fatherhood vlog" hits. In Episode 1 of what becomes "Newborn Neurotic," Todd spontaneously calls his wife, Kerry, to get her permission for the project itself, but subsequently ventures into dangerous territory with the question: "How have I performed my father-to-be duties so far?"